Mewngofnodi DECHRAU YMA

Share Image

Upload a share image that will appear on social media when your website is shared. SITE123 gives you this great way of branding your business!

Ceisiwch Nawr
Make a good first impression of your website whenever someone shares it on social media. Do it by setting up nice image sharing. When you make the decision to create a website, all you want is a page with a large number of views, where everyone knows your services, products and what you do. You want your work to be recognized, accessed, and admired. Ever wondered how just one image could help you with that? On our platform, it became even easier to set up the way people will perceive you when they see your website link on social media. You can do that by setting up your image sharing preferences. When someone uses image sharing and shares your website on social media, for example, Facebook, the platform automatically crawls for an image from your website so they can show it along with your link. SITE123 allows you to upload a share image, that is, one that will appear whenever someone shares your website using a share button or other options. This single action will cause a much nicer first impression on people and therefore convert more visitors and make more sales. Just add the tool to your page, prepare that sensational photo and... done! A chain formed. Each customer that shares your website using a share button takes you to a huge range of possible new clients and so on.

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Ein cleientiaid hapus

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SITE123, heb amheuaeth, yw'r dylunydd gwefan hawsaf a mwyaf hawdd ei ddefnyddio i mi ddod ar ei draws. Mae eu technegwyr sgwrsio cymorth yn hynod broffesiynol, gan wneud y broses o greu gwefan drawiadol yn hynod o syml. Mae eu harbenigedd a'u cefnogaeth yn wirioneddol ragorol. Ar ôl i mi ddarganfod SITE123, rhoddais y gorau i chwilio am opsiynau eraill ar unwaith - mae mor dda â hynny. Mae'r cyfuniad o blatfform greddfol a chefnogaeth o'r radd flaenaf yn gwneud i SITE123 sefyll allan o'r gystadleuaeth.
Christi Prettyman us Flag
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Mae SITE123 yn hawdd iawn ei ddefnyddio yn fy mhrofiad i. Ar yr adegau prin pan gefais anawsterau, roedd eu cefnogaeth ar-lein yn eithriadol. Fe wnaethant ddatrys unrhyw faterion yn gyflym, gan wneud y broses creu gwefan yn llyfn ac yn bleserus.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
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Ar ôl rhoi cynnig ar wahanol adeiladwyr gwe, mae SITE123 yn sefyll allan fel y gorau i ddechreuwyr fel fi. Mae ei broses hawdd ei defnyddio a chefnogaeth ar-lein eithriadol yn gwneud creu gwefan yn awel. Rwy'n rhoi sgôr 5 seren lawn i SITE123 yn hyderus - mae'n berffaith i ddechreuwyr.
Paul Downes gb Flag
Peidiwch ag aros mwyach, crëwch eich gwefan heddiw! Creu gwefan

Mwy na 1552 gwefannau SITE123 wedi'u creu yn US heddiw!